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 Match 1 : John Morrisson vs The Miz for the United States Championship

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2 participants
Jeff Hardy | Karim
Jeff Hardy | Karim

Messages : 78
Date d'inscription : 26/10/2010
Age : 25
Localisation : Nord

Match 1 : John Morrisson vs The Miz for the United States Championship Empty
MessageSujet: Match 1 : John Morrisson vs The Miz for the United States Championship   Match 1 : John Morrisson vs The Miz for the United States Championship Icon_minitimeLun 1 Nov - 15:03

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John Morrison

John Morrison

Messages : 8
Date d'inscription : 28/10/2010

Match 1 : John Morrisson vs The Miz for the United States Championship Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Match 1 : John Morrisson vs The Miz for the United States Championship   Match 1 : John Morrisson vs The Miz for the United States Championship Icon_minitimeVen 5 Nov - 21:50

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Jeff Hardy | Karim
Jeff Hardy | Karim

Messages : 78
Date d'inscription : 26/10/2010
Age : 25
Localisation : Nord

Match 1 : John Morrisson vs The Miz for the United States Championship Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Match 1 : John Morrisson vs The Miz for the United States Championship   Match 1 : John Morrisson vs The Miz for the United States Championship Icon_minitimeDim 7 Nov - 13:32

John Morrisson def. The Miz par Forfait !

John Morrisson is the New United States Champion !
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John Morrison

John Morrison

Messages : 8
Date d'inscription : 28/10/2010

Match 1 : John Morrisson vs The Miz for the United States Championship Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Match 1 : John Morrisson vs The Miz for the United States Championship   Match 1 : John Morrisson vs The Miz for the United States Championship Icon_minitimeDim 7 Nov - 15:41

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Match 1 : John Morrisson vs The Miz for the United States Championship Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Match 1 : John Morrisson vs The Miz for the United States Championship   Match 1 : John Morrisson vs The Miz for the United States Championship Icon_minitime

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Match 1 : John Morrisson vs The Miz for the United States Championship
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